We offer complete didactic solution for middle schools and high schools, Special Training Schools (Fachschule), Autotronic workshops and labs including diagnostic devices such as the TSPro 10 Diagnostic Tablet, educational software, courses of serial and parallel diagnostics CP 18 CAN BUS interface and error simulator. Features depend on the scope of the project and the terms of the selection process.
We provide a warranty and warranty service for all products for minimum of 10 years.

- Measuring values and settings from real components
- Testing actuators and monitoring their signals
- Ability to simulate and diagnose faults in individual components
- Signals from measuring points can be monitored via multimeter or oscilloscope
- Available in variants including necessary diagnostic devices and educational software
- Fully functional vehicle behavior simulation
Example used ECUs*
- Engine Control Unit
- Instrument Cluster
- Airbag Control Unit
- ABS Control Unit
- Gateway Control Unit
- Fuel Pump Control Unit
- Steering Column Control Unit
- Onboard Control Supply Module
- Throttle Valve Control Unit
- HVAC Control Unit
*depending on specific project

- Available with didactic panels MAXI DIESEL, MAXI PETROL, MAXI KOMFORT and MAXI AIRCON
- Control of didactic panel features via web browser
- Reading of measured values on the panel
- Testing and changing states of actuators
- Creating simulated system faults
- Measuring battery voltage
- Intuitive GUI
Example solutions