AS 09

Hardware Computer

AS09 Hardware Computer thumbnail

AS09 provides flexible and scalable platform for aviation, that supports a wide range of data network communications.

Technical parameters

ARINC 429 RX: 8× Input port

ARINC 429 TX: 3× Output port

RS 232/422485: 3× Communication port

RS 232: 1× Service port

MILL 1553 (optional): 2× Bus


DIN: 8× Digital input

DOUT SolidState: 6× Digital output

DOUT RELAY: 2× Relay output

General Parameters

Voltage (nom.): 27,5 V DC

Voltage (operative): 11…30 V DC

Current (nom.): 0,3 A

Power Consumption: 8,25 W

Operating temperature: -55 – 70 °C

Storage temperature: -55 – 85 °C

Humidity: max. 95 %

Connectors: Circular 37 pin

Dimensions: 177 x 39 x 134 mm

Weight: 1000 g ± 10 %

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